Accuracy matters in several facets of business, but it is vitally important when providing certified translation services. A mistranslation can cause someone’s life with a medical misdiagnosis or cost a company a valuable contract with a client. While these situations are extremely serious, the point is that precision is of utmost status in translation solutions.
What is a certified translation?
A certified translation service means the translation company or translator adds a signed statement saying the translation is an accurate and complete rendition of the source document. This statement is the Certificate of Accuracy.
It is important to note that in the US, linguists do not need to be certified at a state or federal level to offer a certified translation service. Anybody with adequate skills in the appropriate languages can issue the translation. Still, a certified translation service must follow definite quality control procedures. This is why you should ensure that the company or person working on your documents is a certified translation company or qualified translator.
The significance of accuracy for certified translation services
English is a language recognized worldwide. Several people ask why doesn’t everyone speak English. Or how vital is translation?
The fact is that not everybody can speak English. More vitally, language is much more than communicating with words. It is also an appearance of a country’s beliefs, culture, and society. By spreading messages, ideas, knowledge, or information, translation enables effective communication between people who speak diverse languages.
Therefore, producing an accurate and genuine translation that properly reflects the source text is vital. Regarding certified translation services, the accuracy and quality of translations are vital. Excellent language translation restricts the communication gap.
A great translation allows companies to reach an international audience by talking in a language their customers can understand. The precise translation is vital to all facets of any industry field. It involves a dual effort regarding technical, legal, or medical translations.
If the official document is not translated precisely, it can cause disastrous consequences such as damage and loss of income to an organization’s reputation.
Medical translations need maximum accuracy for the target document's medical instructions, recommendations, findings, and terms.
Like legal translations, medical translations must also be error-free. Any minor mistake in the translated copy can result in severe legal issues moving the freedom and lives of people who use the document.

Top reasons why accuracy is crucial each time for a certified translation services
·Prevents misunderstandings
Accurate translation services prevent errors between parties. One renowned translation blunder happened in 1977 on Leader Jimmy Carter’s trip to Poland. An authorized interpreter changed “I left the United States this morning” to “I left the United States, never to return.”
The next interpreter stayed silent at a formal state dinner rather than read Carter’s toast, saying that the president’s English was not understandable. The president’s interpreters had not been strong in their translation.
·Eliminates errors
Errors due to confusion can last for years. Italian astronomer Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli began planning the surface of Mars in 1877. After observing through his telescope, he branded a series of “waterways” on a map of the Red Planet.
Canali denotes “channels” in Italian. English-speaking experts thought “canali” meant “canals” on his map. This mistranslation led to believe that intelligent life occurred on Mars because Martians built canals. This error continued for decades in public notice.
Mistakes such as these may not fundamentally change present translation services. However, it’s vital to note that one team may interpret labels on a chart one way, while another team may think it means something completely altered. Everyone must be on a similar page for translations to work.
·Improves your reputation
In 2009, a national bank launched a $10 million advertising campaign entitled “Assume Nothing.” The advertising team had to fix things when numerous translations interpreted it to mean “Do Nothing” in some foreign markets. Eliminating or reducing errors in certified translation services mends your company’s reputation. It also grows expertise in your preferred industry without fixing a key fault.
·Retains loyal clients
Accuracy preserves loyal clients who are happy with your work. When you provide perfect batches of products or prototypes under budget and on time to clients’ exact terms, clients appreciate the strength you and your staff put into your work. Translation services for international companies help make this happen with worldwide companies.
·Financial and legal ramifications
Misunderstanding someone’s words can have financial and legal ramifications. Somebody interpreting a word erroneously for publicly traded businesses can send a company’s stock plummeting. Government investigations into somebody’s statements can lead to jail time or securities fraud charges. These are dangerous, but inaccurate translation services can have grave real-world consequences.
Wrapping Up
Clients pay for accurate and certified translation services. At Acadestudio, we always prioritize the precision of our translation services. Our translators edit and proofread your texts, and we spot-check the concluding translations in-house before delivery.
Accurate and professional translations help build a business reputation and success. Our company boasts an international network of qualified linguists and translators with experience working on various projects.